martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

*The Witness for the Prosecution*

1. If you were a film or stage play producer, which actors would you choose to play the role of the main characters? Support your answer.

Mr. Mayherne would be played by Alec Baldwin because every time I look at him I think he looks like an investigator, and he is a good actor.

Leonard Vole will be played by Ralph Fiennes because he looks like a villian and he is a very recognised actor.

Kate Winslet would play the role of Mrs. Vole because she is my favorite actress and she would know how to make the difference between Mrs. Vole and the mystery woman.

Meryl Streep would play the role of Emily French because she has the age of the character.
The maid would be played by Zuzanna Szadkowski because she plays the role of a maid in one of my favorite tvshows and I think she does a wonderful job.

2. Which are the main differences between the movie and the book? Which one had more suspense?
I think the movie was the one that had more suspense because they added more details to the story and also because it makes it intresting that the judges appear.
The main differences that I can remember are that it ends differently. Appart from the fact that Leonard Vole was guilty too, the movie has more details, referring that Leonard Vole was seeing another woman and that's how Romaine got the courage to kill him. Also there are more characters in the movie than in the book. Those are the only differences I could remember because I was absent 2 days and I didn't see the whole movie.
3. Do you think the case could be solved easily in our time? Why or why not?
I think it could because of all the tests that can be done now. Maybe just examining if the weapon had digital fingerprints of the person who comitted the crime. Also there would be more sources to get information.
4. Is a blood test enough to determine a person's identity? Support your answer.
No because many people have the same type of blood.
5. Which is an undenieable evidence to determine a person's identity? Support your answer.
Digital fingerprints are one type. There are not 2 fingerprints that are the same. Also a hair may be useful because of the gens that are there.
6. If not for Romaine's testimony, do you consider it a perfect crime? Support your answer.
I don't think so because Leonard Vole was the only real suspect and his alibi was not good or well prepared. I think he could have done it so much better. But there is not perfect crime.
7. Which is your favorite character? Explain your preference.
My favorite character is Romaine Vole because she is really smart. I think it was clever what she did and that was a smart way to get his husband free. She is a good actress and I like that.