lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Man in the Mirror

The images that are possitive for me are the children at the end, laughing, and the images of important people that have done a big change in society in a good way, like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela.
The images I think are nehative are the skinny children that are starving, also the persons like Hitler, that have tried to change society in a bad way.

1. Why are the lyrics linked to the images?
The lyrics say that there are children in the street with nothing, and there are images about children starving and working hard to get some money. This also relates to the fact that there are persons who don''t care about what happens to other persons and they act in a very discriminating kind of way, like Hitler or the Ku Klux Klan.

2. How would you classify this videos and why?
I would classify them as real and sad because though we don't live it day by day, there are millions of people who doesn't have anything to eat or to protect themselves from the cold, and still, we as a society don't care and we are selfish for that.

3. Why does the singer have to do with the people who appear there?
Maybe he is related to some of them like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela etc., because he admires them and he want to make a change in the world like they did. And the others like Hitler or the Ku Klux Klan maybe apppear, because the singer wants to send a message that expresses how people can be and how can they be mean and careless about others, like them, and he tells the audience not to be like them and to look in a mirror, and start changing ourseleves before we want to change everything.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009


Answer the following questions:

1. Who was Dr. Mengele?
His name was Josef Mengele, and he was a doctor and a criminal, usually known for his experiments with Jews during the World War II. He was nicknamed "The Angel of Death" due to his famous and weird genocides.

2. Where did he go after World War II?
When World War II was about to end, he escaped from Auschwitz. He hide in another concentration camp and then he decided to go to the west, were he was captured. He was a prisioner, until the Allies let him free because they ignored his real identity. He travelled to Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, and he even got married and have children. Different countries and organisation were trying to tack him, but were not succesful because of his different false identities. He died in 1979, he drowned in the sea.

3. Mention some of the experiments he performed on Jews
*Surgeries performed without anesthesia
*Pressure Chambers
*Sex Change Operations
*Injecting the eyes to see if they changed colour
*Twin-to-twin transfutions
*Stitched twins together
*Organs removal

Literature Homework#1

Answer the following questions:

1. What is a ghetto?
During World War II, ghettos were city districts, which were often enclosed, in which germans concentrated jewish population and forced them to live under miserable conditions.

2. What is a concentration camp?
Concentration Camps were places were jews, gays, gypsies and people with disabilities, among others, were taken to be controlled and tortured. It is like a prision and people did hard labors there.

3. Which is the difference between an extermination camp and a concentration camp?
Concentration camp were used for various purposes such as punishment, do forced hard labors, etc. Extermination camps were used only for the purpose of killing people, with different techniques, like gassing and shooting people. Though, in concentration camps, people also died due to starvation and killer diseasies, like the death toll.