miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009


Answer the following questions:

1. Who was Dr. Mengele?
His name was Josef Mengele, and he was a doctor and a criminal, usually known for his experiments with Jews during the World War II. He was nicknamed "The Angel of Death" due to his famous and weird genocides.

2. Where did he go after World War II?
When World War II was about to end, he escaped from Auschwitz. He hide in another concentration camp and then he decided to go to the west, were he was captured. He was a prisioner, until the Allies let him free because they ignored his real identity. He travelled to Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, and he even got married and have children. Different countries and organisation were trying to tack him, but were not succesful because of his different false identities. He died in 1979, he drowned in the sea.

3. Mention some of the experiments he performed on Jews
*Surgeries performed without anesthesia
*Pressure Chambers
*Sex Change Operations
*Injecting the eyes to see if they changed colour
*Twin-to-twin transfutions
*Stitched twins together
*Organs removal


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